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​Radiation Pressure in Supercritical X-Ray Pulsars - Research paper submitted as part of the course Astrophysics of Black Holes, White Dwarves & Neutron Stars at Cambridge Centre for International Research - Future Scholars Program


Abstract: The accretion of material onto a highly magnetized neutron star results in the formation of an X-ray pulsar. In these objects, the kinetic energy of accreting matter is converted into heat and released in the form of X-rays. If the mass accretion rate is sufficiently high, the luminosity can exceed the Eddington limit and lead to the formation of supercritical X-ray pulsars, where accretion flow is stopped above the neutron star surface. An isotropic point source in the accretion column with a height equal to the radius of the neutron star is considered to emit X-ray photons. The photons incident at various angles with respect to the center of the neutron star and their effect on the atmosphere have been discussed. It is found that the Lorentz force prevents the movement of material across the surface, but the perpendicular component of the radiative force of the incident photon is sufficient to compress the atmosphere of the neutron star. 


The Quest for Exoplanets - Literature Review submitted as part of Harvard Spring Program The Emergence of Space & Time, Light & Matter: How Our Galaxy, Our Sun, and Our Earth Came to Be


The study of exoplanets is significant as it enhances our understanding of the processes underlying the formation of planets and solar systems as most stellar systems vary greatly from our own. Various methods are currently employed to both detect and study exoplanets. These methods have been carried out both by ground-based telescopes and space-based telescopes, but the improved resolution and many other benefits provided by the latter have encouraged their deployment in recent years. 
This paper explores the more common methods used, as well as some of the past, present, and future dedicated exoplanet missions that have and will continue to develop our understanding of the universe.
The exploration of exoplanets is a crucial step for both understanding the principles based upon which planets and solar systems evolve and for answering the ever-present question of whether we are alone in the universe. The advancement of science and technology has propelled the discovery and study of exoplanets, and forthcoming missions hold great promise to improve the accuracy and scope of exoplanet detection, taking our understanding of the cosmos to new heights. As our comprehension of these foundational principles and distant worlds improves, we get closer to discovering the possibility of extraterrestrial life. 


Observational Research on Exoplanets orbiting X-Ray Binaries conducted as part of Harvard Summer Program Fundamentals of Contemporary Astronomy


Assisted Prof. Rosanne Di Stefano’s research on exoplanets orbiting X-ray binaries by carrying out an analysis of light curves. Analyzed over 600 light curves with teammate to identify exoplanets by tracking periodic dips in light curves and concluded CXO_J…453 as possible exoplanet.


IB Diploma Program Research - Physics Extended Essay


With the advent of initiatives such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario, renewable energy systems have evolved significantly over the last few years, becoming more efficient and cost effective. Wind energy usage is rapidly increasing – global wind electricity generation increased by 265 TWh (14% increase) in 2022, making it the second highest growing source after solar. India is also progressively using wind energy, especially with offshore wind farms planned off the coast of southern Tamil Nadu among other initiatives.
While these are large-scale commercial ventures, the need for small scale community ventures is until now largely unexplored and unviable. With the aim of finding small-scale solutions that are efficient and use phenomena in physics, I decided to explore Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs), a niche yet prospective technology that could be made more efficient, while being less expensive and easier to maintain than Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWTs) which are traditionally more efficient. These VAWTs could be used in more varied scenarios than HAWTs as their compact design makes them suitable for winds at lower speeds in multiple directions. Research has also shown that while individually, VAWTs are less efficient than HAWTs, their ability to generate more power when being placed close together compensates for the deficiency, demonstrating their potential to generate large amounts of electrical energy in wind farms.
With my understanding of VAWTs and UN SDGs number 7 (affordable and clean energy) and 11 (sustainable cities and communities) in mind, I developed a prototype “AeroFlow”: my social impact project based on VAWTs for the AFS Global STEM Accelerators program, co-developed by the University of Pennsylvania. The program encouraged me to explore this technology in more detail, leading to my research on how the Coanda effect can be leveraged in Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs) to improve their efficiency by controlling factors such as the number of blades, the curvature and the surface roughness.
The aim of this research was to determine the optimum turbine within the identified limits of this investigation. While Bernoulli’s principle and Newton’s third law of motion are the predominant factors for lift generation in vertical axis wind turbines, maximizing the Coanda effect could help maximize the efficiency of VAWTs.

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