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Project AeroFlow

Project AeroFlow was initiated during the AFS Global Stem Accelerators program.The objective was to come up with an optimum design for Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT), so that it can be made viable for small scale community deployments like semi urban areas and communities. This project had multiple phases and is currently in the final phase.

Phase one involved developing a prototype wind turbine. This was done as part of the capstone project requirement for the AFS Global Stem Accelerators program.

The Global STEM Accelerators program is designed to empower girls around the world with pathways to STEM and sustainability education, leadership and social impact through a hands-on, virtual exchange curriculum. Although women make up more than half of the college-educated workforce globally, only 28% of STEM fields are represented by women. By providing an opportunity for girls to explore their interests in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and sustainability, we can start to change this trend and open more possibilities for the perspectives of women in the greater goal of reaching a sustainable future.

Through this full-scholarship, 12-week virtual exchange program, 180 young women from an applicant pool of 1000 (ages 15-17.5) from around the world participate in immersive learning experiences designed and facilitated by AFS experts in intercultural education, in partnership with the University of Pennsylvania Center for Social Impact Strategy. The program is designed to develop critical technical competencies, like digital skills, design thinking, data literacy, and STEM awareness, paired with global competencies, such as emotional intelligence, critical thinking, intercultural awareness, and teamwork, to help scholars become changemakers in their communities and work towards a sustainable future.

The program culminates with scholars developing social impact capstone projects and presentations that offer potential solutions to real-world challenges, with an emphasis on sustainability. Scholars who complete the program earn the Advanced Certificate on Global Competence for Social Impact, awarded by AFS and the University of Pennsylvania Center for Social Impact Strategy. 
AFS Intercultural Programs has received the 2023 PIEoneer of the Year award, in recognition of their Global STEM Accelerators program. This flagship award from The PIE is one of the most important distinctions in the field of global education, recognizing innovations and advancements impacting the field for the better.

video link of final AFS project -


Feedback from the University of Pennsylvania Center for Social Impact Strategy validation committee:

"Nice work, Adhiti! Great articulation of the problem statement. Well done on developing your prototype, Aeroflow. I appreciate its compact design and your commitment to iterating it in collaboration with an engineer to improve it. Wishing you luck as you work to increase renewable energy systems in your community."

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